Sunday, 12 August 2007


This is a sad story about my mums friend who had just died.
Cathy had lost of heart atacts and other things like that and then soon she died.
My mum and nan went to the phunarel when me and grandad stayed at home.
I never new Cathy but it would have been nice.
My Mum and Nan got some flowers for her grave and Cathys husband thanked them lots for ging him the flowers for the grave.


Anonymous said...

I don't think that Gran and your mum went to Kathy's funeral. They wanted to but the distance was too much for Granny and her Arthritis. There was also the problem of the floods. I am sure Kathy understands.

Anonymous said...

You really should use the spellcheck. Ask your talented grandad to show you how, I am sure he knows. In fact I think he knows everything!