Wednesday, 25 November 2009


im at home bored to death
ive been ill of school and is still in my pjs
im sooooooo bored
mums gone back to sleep x theres nothing to do x i havnt got anyhome work (woop woop) and is bored
sorry to bor you i just neaded to let it out x lol x
x bye bye gys x
enjoy your day
x al x

Saturday, 21 November 2009

birhtday party!

We do have pictures of the girls birthday i am goin to i just cant find them x sorry x
Anyway x i havnt seen her in 3 years almost x
Shes called charlotte x
her birthday has already been she just wanted a birthday party for it so were all going in town, barbican and the Hoe x
It will be nice too see her x
Ja33y is goin aswell, because she lives right next to town im goin to be dropped of at her house and walk in with her x
I cant wait x im a little pushed for time but ohwell x lol x
ill still see charlotte on time x ja33y dnt mind me bein late anyway x she wants to look AWSOME and make an apperance when she walks round town x it will be nice to see if charlotte has changed or anythin like that x i know i seertanly have x i wonder if she knows what school i go to x
got to go now x sorry i couldnt find a pic of her x
bye bye
x al x

Saturday, 14 November 2009

halloween x

i hope you all had a happy (freaky) halloweennnnnnnn x
i spent mine with my new friend zoe x
she goes my school x
sorry i didnt tell you about that x im sure my grandad has x
well anyway x zoe slept the night x
we ate all the sweets almost x
we didnt eat much the next day x ovyasly x
i wish i had sme photoes but there on my grandads computer on his blog so if you wont to see them check it out x lol x hehe x
we had a fab time x
disney (the dog) likes her x
i was dressed up as a spell witch x zoe as dressed up as a dead school girl x shehad a nife going through her head x lol x hehe x
im trying not to use text ta;l x its very hard x
if you cant read any of it, then ask your son or daughter they can hellp x lol x
hope you had a fab halloween x
bye bye x
x al x

Sunday, 8 November 2009


this is my cousin adam wheen he cmae down to plymouth

this is my auntie jow when she came down to plymouth

this is my uncle nick when he came down to plymouth

this is me mom william and joe when they came down to
plymouth but we were up on dartmoor when this pic was taken

in the summer hols me and my mom went to kent to see are family
i love them all sooooo much
we had a great time
i started crying in the car when we had to go home
we got there by car x lol x hehehehehe
it took mom 9 hours to get to kent when its only ment to take 6 x lol
she got us i kent but then got us in essex
she drove us all the way from kentn to essex
oh well, i supose thats mom for ya
when we got there we stayed at my 3 cousin, there mom and dad, and there 3 cats and a dog!!!!
it was a really packed house
we also visited my nans sister, my cousins mom,mom (its confusing) x hehe
and her hubby
there really close to me and mom all of them
we went t there house and met there dog
we then saw my uncle and his daughter
my autie and uncles son and grandaughter
shes got the same name as me x alice x
im really happy she has
alice is 4 i think maybe 5
i got her a top
mom got her some monster pens and pencils
se liked them all
i got her to put on the top my scarf and ristbands and my bag
she did it and really like it
it suted her aswell
shes lovely
she looks nothin like me though
shes really tall casue her dad is 6 feet somethin
ma other cousins are william charlie and adam
william is a little older than me but is nuts x lol x i still love him though
charlie is 17 goin on 36 x hehe
adam is 19 and has a girlfriend
shes really nice
shes like part of the family
i look ford to seeing her aswell when we go up there
their all totaly diffrent
william is mental x lol
charlie is abit nauty
and adam is a punk
their mom joe is mental aswell
the thing is shes a nurse x lol x hehe
her hubby ian is very relaxed and dosnt realy make a fus of much
i dont think iv egot anyhting else to day so bye bye
x bye bye x
x al x